Thanks to the professional service of the veterinary surgeon Stefano Cavallini, assisted by the therapist Giacomo Arena, we are now able to document another important application of low frequency ultrasounds, in this case those emitted by the EqUltrasound BAC Technology: this is the rapid resolution with complete wound healing of a horse, which struggled, not a little, to reach the definitive structure of connective nature necessary for a full recovery.
The horse in question had previously undergone a sarcoid removal operation. After surgery, complications occurred, as the incision was made in a delicate area: the horse, lying down and standing up in the box, continually tore the stitches applied, thus slowing down the healing process and increasing the risk of infections, which on open wounds in horses is always very high. For this reason, the veterinarian has decided to speed up the healing process through the use of the EqUltrasound BAC Technology.
The use of low frequency ultrasounds allows the acceleration of natural physiological processes aimed at tissue repair and also the recovery of cellular homeostasis and restoration of function, thus making natural and effective healing possible. The evaluation of the temporal outcomes of the treatment is represented by the following photos. Healing to date is complete.
Comparazione riduzione area lesionata: